
I was working in a high stress job and was desperate for help. I decided to see Dr. Jason. The improvements started day one, my stress levels were down and I felt a lot more calm. The reality of those improvements kept me going. We're still here because I know that my babies are for sure going to benefit.

I actually got an adjustment when I went into labor with my daughter and the delivery was a breeze. I'm sure that is because of Dr. Jason. I have two daughters and I know they are in great hands here. There have been improvements in nursing with my newborn after her first adjustment. The babies stay so relaxed with Dr. Jason because he is so gentle, it's actually really sweet. He has a gift.

Pain from Motor Vehicle Accident

I had been involved in two motor vehicle accidents. I had numbness and tingling in my tongue, arms, and legs, and itchiness in my skull. I had memory issues and I wasn't able to sleep properly and I couldn't stand up straight anymore. I went to physio therapy and they did everything they could to help me but nothing improved. I went through 20 years looking for hope, for something that could help me reclaim my life. I went to a massage therapist who recommended this office. I was so excited because perhaps this would be an answer to prayer.

A T.I.C. Chiropractor is gentle and specific, enabling your body to heal itself. During my first few adjustments I was able to relax as healing hands were on me. I now have no tingling, no numbness, and no itching in my skull. I don't have any depression and I have a new zest for life! 

You don't have to be in pain, you don't have to suffer. It's a gentle, beautiful experience that will take you out of a dark time and bring you into light. It enables you to be you. Your have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Choose life.

I can run again!

I am a former Police Officer, active sports enthusiast, and hunter experienced. I was in a bad place, I was hurting. Many parts of my body were seizing up. I had chiropractic care before where they would twist, crack, and hurt my neck. I didn't want to see another chiropractor until the pain got so bad. My family insisted I should come here. I now have relief through gentle chiropractic care from my stiff joints and a back that seized regularly. I am now able to run and throw again, and think better and clearer. If you're afraid of chiropractic, I'd tell you to try this. It's gentle, it's not harsh, and it works.

I can move pain free again!



I first started coming to see Dr. Jason at Inside-Out Chiropractic Center because I had displaced my hips 4 years ago in the most ridiculous way and was in a lot of pain.  My doctor did not believe me and said that it would work itself out.  For 2 years I hobbled around, with orthopedic surgeons that I work with telling me my gait was off and I needed to have it looked at.

After receiving my specific scientific chiropractic adjustments I can move pain free again! I had previously gained 30 pounds because I could not do the activities I used to do.  Now I can ski, walk and I have started running and now the weight is slowly leaving!

Going to Inside-Out Chiropractic is worth it!  I wish I had heard or even thought about chiropractic earlier.  I would not have had to be in pain for so long.

I Feel Happier...



I first started coming to see Dr. Jason at Inside-Out Chiropractic Center because my right knee was swollen and sore.

After receiving my specific scientific chiropractic adjustments the changes I have noticed are that I sleep better, my joints function better, and I feel younger!

What I want to tell others about Inside-Out Chiropractic is that the awesome friendly staff also give me a boost. I feel happier leaving here at each appointment.

I only wish I had known sooner....



I first started coming to see Dr. Jason at Inside-Out Chiropractic Center because…

I came with my mom to a Principled Report class. What I heard made a whole lot of sense to me.  Since I was in a car accident 9 years earlier and was still in a lot of shoulder, neck, and arm pain, I made an appointment. I’m grateful now to have 4 generations of my family coming to Dr. Jason to be healed. We are slowly getting more and more other family members to receive healing.


After receiving my specific, scientific chiropractic adjustments, the changes I have noticed are…

I have a greater range of motion in my neck. I can lift my arm up without limitation. My reach is better, I can type longer than before, and I have more energy in general. It’s only been 8 months and I have experienced such a positive change, I only wish I would have known sooner and not suffered so long with the sleepless, pain-filled nights.


What I want to tell others about Inside-Out Chiropractic is…

Dr. Jason and the Chiropractic Assistants have a desire to help heal people. You can expect a miracle… I’m witnessing it. I was told that I would have to be in pain for my lifetime, that there really is no cure, or anyway to heal me. They were wrong! I am healing from the inside-out. And I would like to tell you not only to expect a miracle”… but someone I love told me to “expect a NEW miracle every day.” I AM.

Thank you Dr. Jason and Inside-Out Chiropractic staff. 

May you continue to be blessed.

I am completely different...



I first started coming to see Dr. Jason at Inside-Out Chiropractic Center because you name it, I had it! My back and my neck were out and my memory wasn’t what it used to be! I had back aches so bad sometimes I couldn’t get out of bed!


After receiving my specific scientific chiropractic adjustments the changes I have noticed are that I don’t have any back pain. Dr. Jason has made me happy. I am like a different person. I now don’t feel like anything is wrong with me. I said to my family I don’t know what he did to me but I am completely different. I am overwhelmed. My shoulders are free and my breathing is better.


What I want to tell others about Inside-Out Chiropractic is that my care from Dr. Jason is excellent. I should have come earlier in my life. No looking back, looking forward. Go! Don’t delay, honestly not!

Healthy Lifestyle

I began chiropractic care after my first baby was born because I couldn't run and train the way I did before. Chiropractic has helped me to recover from sport injuries and post pregnancy pelvic pain. I have had three more babies since and I've been able to get right back into sports. Chiropractic has been a part of a healthy lifestyle for my children and our family.

Neck Pain and Mobility

Christal and DIllynn

Christal and DIllynn

Before we started with chiropractic, I suffered from severe back and neck pain and my daughter always tilted her head to the right. We first started coming to see Dr. Jason because I was told he could help with my back and neck pain and we as parents were concerned for our daughter’s development.

The biggest difference that I have noticed since seeing Dr. Jason is that I am feeling so much better. I no longer require or feel the need for massages. I’ve suffered from back and neck pain for 16 years and this is the first time in 16 years that I feel so good. Also our daughter Dillynn can now turn her head straight without straining!

Dr. Jason does create miracles! He is not only an amazing healer but he’s truly kind. His staff is kind and they treat their patients with the most respect!

Headaches and More!



I first started coming to see Dr. Jason at Inside-Out Chiropractic Center because I had headaches almost daily and I had pain my left hip and knee.

After receiving my specific scientific chiropractic adjustments the changes I have noticed are that I my headaches are almost completely gone. When I do have a head ache, Dr. Sabo relieves it through excellent Chiropractic. I am grateful that my left knee can climb steps again without pain.

What I want to tell others about Inside-Out Chiropractic is that this healing method must be tried before taking drugs. In my case, drugs are not needed for headaches. Dr. Jason has been helping me with my sinuses and I can walk without pain. Thank you very much Dr. Jason and assistants for help!

Blood Pressure



After receiving my first two specific scientific chiropractic adjustments my head pressure is gone and my bowel movements are back to normal. I have been fighting with this since I had surgery. Two days after my adjustments my blood pressure bottomed out and I went to out-patients. My Doctor then took me off all my blood pressure meds. My blood pressure has been normal for 3 days. Lastly, I have not taken my Norvasc the last 3 nights and over the last 3 evenings I have felt a peace and calm about me that I have not felt in a long time.

Thank you Dr. Jason for the blessings I have received!

Less Pain and Increased Mobility!



I first started coming to see Dr. Jason at Inside-Out Chiropractic Center because I was having trouble and pain in my hips, knees, shoulder, and neck.

After receiving my specific scientific chiropractic adjustments the changes I have noticed are less pain and increased mobility in my entire body. The decrease in pain allows for better eating and sleeping as well as moving throughout the day.

What I want to tell others about Inside-Out Chiropractic is Dr. Jason’s treatments are very subtle and not painful. But most of all they work! I’m still patiently waiting for my big miracle but small miracles come with each visit. Thank you and God bless you.


Frequent Headaches



Before I started chiropractic care with Dr. Jason, I suffered from frequent headaches, as well as upper back, shoulder, and neck pain. No matter what stretches or painkillers I tried, on some days nothing helped. 

I honestly thought I was going to have to ‘get used to’ the idea of living with pain for the rest of my life. While it didn’t seem too much out of the ordinary, I was disappointed that it had come to that so early in my lifetime.

On my first visits to the office, I was impressed with the detailed level of assessment I received as a New Practice Member. The Chiropractic Assistants explained everything to me, which is great because I love learning and always ask a lot of questions. I was truly shocked when I saw my x-ray results which showed I had a reversed curve in my neck. I had no idea that I had so many vertebrae out of alignment. Seeing exactly how misaligned vertebrae were cutting off the flow of my lifeline made an impact on me, and how I viewed my overall health.

The information I learned during the Principled Report (PR) class astounded me. I didn’t consider myself to be a heavy user of over the counter painkillers (like Tylenol, Advil, muscle relaxants), so I thought their effect on me would be minimal. Seeing the poster with the statistics chart showing the effects of these drugs has changed my opinion considerably!

After just a few weeks of regular chiropractic care, I had fewer headaches, my upper back didn’t hurt and I could shoulder-check with ease when I was driving. One time I realized at the end of the day that I was not in any pain and did not have a headache all day long! Hallelujah! I wasn’t taking any more painkillers and felt better than I had in months. So many little things that I didn’t realize were affecting my quality of life, were now being restored and healed.

I am so grateful to Dr. Jason and my fellow Chiropractic Assistants for the attention to detail and quality of care I receive. Specific, scientific, chiropractic care is making a dramatic difference in my every day, day to day life!

I am looking forward to better health and the hope for my future is… a future without pain!

My overall health has greatly improved!



When I first started receiving specific, scientific chiropractic care from Dr. Jason, I considered myself to be perfectly healthy. I used to get a couple headaches a week and suffered from pain in my joints occasionally, all of which I believed to be normal occurrences and that there was not much to be done about it.

After receiving a few specific, scientific chiropractic adjustments, I noticed that I had fewer headaches. As time progressed, I also realized that I hadn’t experienced any pain in my joints, such as my knees, ankles, elbows and wrists, in a very long time.

There are other aspects of my body that improved such as my posture and jaw – the right side was very sensitive to touch. My overall health has greatly improved since coming to Dr. Jason.

I can happily say that now that I am under regular chiropractic care, I experience headaches very rarely, closer to once every 6 months than a few every week. I have a greater knowledge on how to take care of my body.

I am now able to say truthfully that I lead a healthy life thanks to chiropractic care. I am very thankful that God heals through Dr. Jason and am blessed that I get to receive such amazing care.    

Bulging Disc

I am so thankful for my chiropractor, Dr. Jason.  In 2005 I started to have pain in my lower back radiating down my leg.  I had great trouble driving and even riding in the car as it made my pain worse.  I couldn’t even sit in church; I would have to stand in the back. I even cancelled my holidays in July that year as I was going to drive to Minnesota for my High School graduation 50th reunion.

I kept going back to my medical doctor and finally he said we would do an MRI.  The same week I started going to Dr. Jason. I wanted to know if he could help me. After my neurological exam he told me I had a bulging disc and that he could help.  So I started treatment.  Also that week I had my MRI and my medical doctor said I had a bulging disc.  He told me there was nothing he could do but give me pain killers. 

I did not take pain killers but continued with chiropractic care.  The third week my husband noticed I was feeling better as I hadn’t complained, I had been walking straighter and I was able to sit through church services. 

It was then that I realized I was feeling great! I decided I COULD go to Minnesota for my reunion!! I had no pain the whole trip and have never had back pain and leg pain since.  I have had a miracle!  I now go to Dr. Jason on a regular basis for maintenance care.

Clinical Insomnia



I first started coming to see Dr. Jason at Inside-Out Chiropractic Center because a famous Jiu-Jitsu instructor named Rener Gracie emphasized the importance of chiropractic in athleticism and martial arts training. In searching for a chiropractor, my neighbour told me I should see Dr. Jason.

After receiving my specific scientific chiropractic adjustments I was really surprised at how I could sleep better. I had been diagnosed with clinical insomnia and had been prescribed numerous tricyclic antidepressants in order to help me sleep. It only took a few appointments with Dr. Jason before I could sleep regularly. It has been one month since I’ve needed to take anything to help me sleep.

What I want to tell others about Inside-Out Chiropractic is that you may not always feel like something’s “wrong”, or you may not think something is an issue. I thought I had my sleep issues under “control”. Now, I go to sleep and wake up without the cloud that the drugs left.

When I first started coming, all I wanted was to react faster to a punch, but Dr. Jason had helped me, so now I’m not only faster but better rested!



Walking without a cane!



I first started coming to see Dr. Jason at inside-Out Chiropractic Center out of desperation and on the advice of a friend who see’s Dr. Jason. An MRI revealed a pinched nerve and a small tear a disc in my lower back. I was in constant pain for five months and medication did nothing to relieve the pain. I was using a cane and a walker at the time, and everyday tasks were impossible.

After receiving my specific, scientific, chiropractic adjustments it took a while before I noticed a change in my pain level. Gradually it began to decrease so that I could walk without the cane or the walker. Each day since then, I have had steady improvement in tackling everyday tasks. I am now, five months later, back to my walking routine.

What I want to tell others about Inside-Out Chiropractic is that if you are skeptical about chiropractic treatment as I was, give Dr. Jason a try. He is caring and encouraging as is his staff. My life is back on track because Jesus, as the great physician used Dr. Jason’s hands to facilitate my healing.

I could sleep but not stay asleep



I first started coming to see Dr. Jason at Inside-Out Chiropractic Center because I had been on long term disability as I had restricted movement in all directions. I’ve hurt all my life in my hips, neck, mid-back, and elbows. I also had a right foot that toed in and this made tripping continually hazardous. I could sleep but not stay asleep. I was irritable due to menopause with hot flashes.


After receiving my specific scientific chiropractic adjustments the changes I have noticed are I stay asleep – this is huge for me. When I work out of town for 3 weeks, I can go to work and do my job which is physically demanding. I noticed that my stance is straight – no toeing in which means no tripping. My elbows, neck, hips, and mid-back align very easily now with fewer adjustments and I hold my adjustments longer. I am stronger now than in my younger years. I rarely notice hot flashes. I can sit upright with no discomfort or effort.  


What I want to tell others about Inside-Out Chiropractic is our bodies are able to heal when Dr. Jason removes the interferences. He and his staff are the biggest blessing in my life. I know they truly care for every one of his clients. Keep coming. Don’t lose faith. It won’t always be like this. It gets way better. I have rung the bell half a dozen times (Clear) and life is pain free. What a great team.

A heartfelt thank you for the miracle.




I first started coming to see Dr. Jason at Inside-Out Chiropractic Center because I had scoliosis and I liked what I heard about Inside-Out’s approach to chiropractic.

After receiving my specific scientific chiropractic adjustments the changes I have noticed is that my far-sighted eye has improved to the point that I no longer need a corrective prescription for it!

What I want to tell others about Inside-Out Chiropractic is that it works! The approach to chiropractic care is completely different from conventional chiropractic, and the things you think chiropractic can’t help… well it likely can!!



11 years of migraines!



I never could imagine that I would be standing in a chiropractor’s office. I had many people refer me to Dr.Jason but even hearing testimonies from trustworthy people I was too scared to come in. One day stretching backwards I felt something out of place and was hurting so bad I decided that it was worth the risk with the pain I was in to go see Dr. Jason. Coming into the office is an experience in itself with the ladies being so unbelievably sweet and helpful. Chiropractic aside, coming in put a smile on my face with the amazing people working at Inside Out.

After a couple adjustments I could feel my back realigning and the pain subsiding. I would come in and he would know exactly what would be bothering me. Dr. Jason knows exactly how every little part of your body functions. He will earn your trust more with every visit, showing you love and care you will not be used to from your average health care provider.

I wasn’t even aware of some of the pains I was living with until one day I realized that I felt completely different with no nagging back aches or pinching nerves, all which I learned to just live with because I thought it was a part of life. Over time my knee I had injured in soccer made a slow recovery, something I never thought was possible without surgery. I also had been suffering from headaches and migraines for 11 years which after a year of care started to slow down from two to three a week to about one to two a month. Amazing! I know that with continued chiropractic care I will see more and more healing and I look forward to that! My family and I will continue to see Dr.Jason as a part of our preventative health care!

No Pain, More Energy, Hearing Restored

While shopping I fell and had pain in my shoulder. I tried massage therapy but it only helped a little. I had heard about chiropractic but was too afraid to try it. Someone then explained to me how it works and I felt very relaxed and positive so I decided to go. Once I started treatment my pain went away and I now have more energy.

I started to have problems with my hearing and a specialist told me I had to use a hearing aid. After two months of adjustments with Dr. Jason I no longer needed the hearing aid. There was no more ringing and my hearing had improved.

Sometimes we think medication is the solution to a problem, or even my hearing aid. An adjustment can help avoid using those things because it really helps. It's excellent!

No One Adjusts Me Better

I first started coming to see Dr.Jason at Inside-Out Chiropractic Center one year ago. 

After receiving my specific scientific chiropractic adjustments, the changes I have noticed are sleeping better, less headaches, less stress, and confidence with Dr. Jason on correcting my situation.

What I want to tell others about Inside-Out Chiropractic Center is that Dr. Jason has a unique way of adjusting, which helps our body change and heal. I have been seeing a chiro for 35 years and NO ONE has been able to adjust me better than Dr. Jason.


Deb C

Less Neck and Back Pain

I first started coming to see Dr. Jason at Inside-Out Chiropractic Center because my lower back and neck were always hurting at least a little bit, if not quite a lot.

After receiving my specific scientific chiropractic adjustments, the changes I have noticed are that my back and neck are hurting less and not as often.

What I want to tell others about Inside-Out Chiropractic Center is that everyone should try it to see how it can help, as many other options cost more. Since the body relies on the spine so much, you never know what it could be affecting. 

Steven T

Dr. Jason Can Help You



I first started coming to see Dr. Jason at Inside-Out Chiropractic Center because I had headaches and my groin and leg gave out often when I walked. 

After receiving my specific scientific chiropractic adjustments, the changed I have noticed are very few headaches, my leg does not give out, and when I do my exercises from Dr. Jason it corrects my neck and headaches.

What I want to tell others about Inside-Out Chiropractic is that the office and Dr. Jason can help you, he is a caring man. 

Moving Freely



I first started coming to see Dr. Jason at Inside-Out Chiropractic Center because I had pain/discomfort in my shoulders, hip, arms, and other areas.

After receiving my specific scientific chiropractic adjustments, the changed I have noticed are that I find myself moving freely. Today is the first time I have had pain in two weeks!

What I want to tell others about Inside-Out Chiropractic is to try chiropractic practice by Dr. Jason.

Multiple Car Accidents



I first started coming to see Dr. Jason at Inside-Out Chiropractic Center because I have been in a couple of car accidents. My neck, sciatica, and low back were in pain.

I'll never forget my first visit. I said, "That's it", and Dr. Jason said, "You will feel it tonight". I sure did. Dr. Jason is really helping.

What I want to tell others about Inside-Out Chiropractic is he does not lay you down, roll, twist, crack, or any of that. My last cracker (chiro guy) was a hit and miss. Often making my neck worse. None of that here. Here, his finger tips are the specialty tools. He is one of a kind.


It's Worth the Drive to See Him

Tracy S

Tracy S

After receiving my specific scientific adjustments, the changed I have noticed are my arm doesn't go numb when I drive long distances anymore. When you get an adjustment from Dr. Jason, you notice changes almost instantly. He is the best chiro, hands down, I have gone to. It's worth the drive in to see him.

Lower Back Issues

I first started to see Dr. Jason at Inside-Out Chiropractic Center because my friends suggested me to go see Dr. Jason for my lower back issues. 

After receiving my specific scientific adjustments, the changes I have noticed is that my daily work is easier and there is less pain in my back.

What I want others to know about Inside-Out Chiropractic is that it is amazing.


It's Working



I first started coming to see Dr. Jason at Inside-Out Chiropractic Center because my wife came in and got rid of headaches.

After receiving my specific scientific chiropractic adjustments, the changes I have notices are less back pain and shoulder pain.

What I want to tell others about Inside-Out Chiropractic is it's working, especially for my wife. 


6 Years of Pain

Ashley H

Ashley H

After six years of chronic back and sciatic pain as well as attending various rehabilitation treatments, it seems I've finally found one that works. My entire life I've had a number of explainable aches and symptoms, and I've only just now begun to understand the impact that a properly aligned spine can have on the rest of your body. Dr. Jason's technique is completely unique and it works. Lately I've had more energy, sleep better, and most importantly my pain has gone down! His team is incredibly friendly and he goes out of his way to care for each person he treats. I've never had a chiropractor hug me and while it stuck me by surprise the first time, I now positively resonate with him a lot more because of it! The facility is inviting and encouraging and the educational component is just another benefit. If you've ever thought you've exhausted all your options, I highly recommend seeing him.

The Best

Lee C

Lee C

Dr. Jason is the best chiropractor.

"I had long-term health issues; some I'm sure I was never aware of or had never surfaced symptomatically, that are being reversed. Chronic back pain due to injury has virtually been eliminated. I am able to rise to the challenges of life with my power turned on!"
— Wil S.